Setting up a New Display or Agile Instance

1. Login to the Optymyse Director


2. Click Display or Agile from the home screen or left menu, to find out more about them check out the articles below.

Display is High Resolution so suitable for larger screens i.e TV Displays:

Optymyse Display

Agile is for Desktops, Tablets & Mobiles any screen size 1024x768 or less:

Optymyse Agile


3. Click Add Display or Add Agile view


4. Type a name and description


5a. For Display choose the resolution size and orientation


5b. For Agile select resize method : browser or content.

* Note: Resize method is how you want to resize information in an Agile view, it can be based on the size of the browser window that is open or a best fit depending on the content used on a page.


6. You can choose to create an alternative ID for the URL link if you wish rather than having to use the automatically created URL.


7. Setup any permissions for the URL link. For more on how permissions work checkout the article below.

An Introduction to Permissions


8. Click Update to save the link


9. Once the link is created you can then attach content to it


10. Click the Manage playlist icon


11. Select the content you want to view from the Content pane, there is no limit to the amount of content items you can attach to a link. When you select a content item you will see it in the Playlist items area on the right. For each content item you add, you can set how long the item will appear for in the display time box.


12. Click Update to save


13. Click the Refresh icon to update the content on the URL link


14. To view a link click the URL in the GUID column

Note: When a link is opened that creates a session and uses up one license.

How licensing works: How does licensing work in version 6?