Optymyse Display

Display is full screen for large HD devices such as TVs, unlike Agile which is for mobiles, tablets, laptops and desktops (devices 1024x768 and less)

When a display is added onto the Optymyse Software a unique URL is created, to view a screen you put this URL into the browser (Firefox/Chrome/Edge) on whatever device you are using.

1. Create Display instance and set resolution (Optymyse will resize to best fit if you are unsure of the resolution)

(Note* 1 Display instance/session uses 1 Display license e.g. 3 display URLs = 3 licenses or 1 display URL used 3 times = 3 licenses)

For more on licensing view this article:

How does the licensing work?

2. Create a page at the same resolution as the Display instance if possible (if not the system will auto resize), you can choose Landscape or Portrait also

3. Attach the page to the Display instance

4. Click the URL for the Display instance to view the page or put the URL into the browser (Firefox/Chrome/Edge) on the hardware device you are using to view the screens

The page templates we create are generally 1920x1080 resolution as this is the standard for most TV’s and therefore when you create a display in Optymyse that should be 1920 x 1080 also for the best result or the system will resize. If you are viewing on a device that isn't 1920 x 1080 i.e. on a PC/laptop you can zoom your browser in/out to view.

If the page has already been created at a different resolution you can resize it in the designer and move elements about if needed.