How does the licensing work?

The licensing works by how many active URL sessions are running.

When a device/browser goes to the display URL, it retrieves the page definition information. This information is used to draw the screen/elements and setup pages/timings/etc. It will then proceed to register with the Optymyse server to receive server-sent events (real-time data). If there are no sessions available (license issue) or another problem, the client will keep retrying after a certain period of time. After several attempts have failed, you will see an error message.

Once registration is successful, the browser will receive any real-time data updates and apply them to the design as and when the information changes. Every 10 seconds a heartbeat request is sent from the browser to the Optymyse server, this tells the server that the client is still there and wanting updates. If three heartbeat requests fail (i.e. 30 seconds goes by) without the Optymyse server receiving a valid heartbeat, it will remove the session, thus freeing this slot for another client to register to receive updates. If connectivity is lost between a client and Optymyse for whatever reason, the client will keep attempting to re-register.

You can how many sessions are running at any time by going to Display or Agile in the Optymyse menu and clicking sessions.

Display is full screen so mostly used for TVs but can be used on any screen. 

Agile is for smaller screen sizes (1024x768 or less) which agents/managers can use on their laptop/ PC/mobile/tablet whilst working on other things. Agile is useful for homeworkers.

More information on Displays, Agile and licenses is explained in the articles below.

Optymyse Display

Optymyse Agile


If you have created 6 URLs and they are all actively streaming through a browser then each will use a license (if you have created 6 URLs but they are not being actively used in a browser it shouldn't effect the license),  if you are actively using 1 URL 6 times that would use 6 licenses. Or any combination.

You can disable URLs by clicking the enable button for any you are not actively using.