How can a ShoreTel customer display Wrap Codes as part of their Optymyse screen designs?

1) You define the set of wrap codes that Optymyse will count. These are stored in the configuration file.

2) Optymyse creates a new feed, which displays the wrap codes by count, in order (most popular first or least popular first, depends how its configured).


Position Wrap Code Count
1 105 48 
2 110 39 
3 100 30 
4 103 29 
5 102  27 
6 111  27 
... ... ...
n xyz 

3) Any unrecognised codes go into an "other" category, which is always last in the list.

The output comes out as an additional feed, but doesn't have a separate configuration from the main feed, it's enabled as part of the agent feed.