Avaya Metric List- Covers CMS and IQ


Note: One connector license is required for groups and another for agents.

Groups – RT_Socket Session 1 - Avaya report name Tvi1

  • SKILL - ACD Skill ID
  • WAITING - Number of calls waiting in the queue
  • AVAILABLE - Number of agents available to take calls
  • ASA - Average Speed to Answer
  • ABNCALLS - No. abandoned calls
  • OLDESTCALL - Longest current call waiting time
  • ACDCALLS - No. of calls answered
  • AVECALLTIME - Average call duration
  • AVEABANDTIME - Average time before call abandoned
  • AGINRING - No. of agents in RING state
  • ONACD - No. of agents on active ACD calls
  • INACW - No. of agents in ACW state
  • OTHER - No. of agents in any other state
  • INAUX - No. of agents in AUX state (note: this is for any AUX code)
  • STAFFED - No. of agents logged in
  • EWTHIGH - Estimated call wait time (high)
  • EWTMEDIUM - Estimated call wait time (medium)
  • EWTLOW - Estimated call wait time (low)
  • DA_WAIT - Direct Agent wait time
  • PCT_TSF - Service Level Achieved (percentage)
  • SERVICELEVEL - Configured SLA (in seconds)
  • CALLSOFFERED - No. calls offered to this skill

Agents - RT_Socket Session 2 - Avaya report name Agent_Tv

  • AGENTID - Agent's login ID
  • AGENTNAME - Agent name
  • SPLIT - Agent split/skill
  • AGENTSTATE - Agent state within current split/skill
  • DIRECTION - Call direction (IN/OUT)
  • TIMEINSTATE - Time in current state
  • WORKSPLIT - Active split/skill
  • AUXREASON - AUX reason code (if in AUX status, blank otherwise)
  • AUXTIME - Time in current AUX status
  • ACDCALLS - No. ACD calls handled
  • ABNCALLS - No. calls abandoned whilst ringing with this agent
  • ACDTIME - Total ACD call time
  • ACWTIME - Total ACW time
  • ABNTIME - Total time calls waited before abandoning
  • HOLDTIME - Total time with call on hold
  • TI_AUXTIME - Total time agent spends in all AUX status codes
Attached Files
AVAYA CMS RT Metrics List_RT_Socket.pdf