AWS Connector Metric List

The Amazon Connect connector ships with two feeds configured by default Agent and Queue.
We query the system every 2 seconds with our connector but update speeds are generally down to the AWS/Amazon Connect system itself.


Agent Feed

This feed contains details about all Agent fields within the Agent feed:
• ID
• Username
• First Name
• Last Name
• Full Name
• Current Status
• Current Status Time


Queue Feed

This feed contains details about all Agent fields within the Queue feed:
• ID
• Name
• Agents After Contact Work
• Agents Available
• Agents Error
• Agents Non Productive
• Agents On Call
• Agents On Contact
• Agents Online
• Agents Staffed
• Inbound Contacts Today
• Inbound Contacts Missed Today
• Contacts In Queue
• Contacts Scheduled
• Oldest Contact Age
• Slots Active
• Slots Available

Attached Files