Mitel MiContact Center Business Metric List

The Mitel connector ships with two feeds configured by default Agent and Queue.
We query the Mitel every 2 seconds with our connector but update speeds are generally down to the Mitel system itself



This feed contains details about all Agent fields within the Agent feed:
• ID
• First Name
• Last Name
• Full Name
• Reporting
• Employee Ref ID
• MediaServerRefID
• Media Type
• Media Server Type
• Current State
• Current State Time
• Entered State On
• Reason
• Photo URL
• Open Media Slots
• ACD Conversations Today
• NonACD Conversations Today
• Present In Agents Groups
• Occupied Duration Today
• ACD Duration Today
• DoNotDisturb Duration Today
• HoldACD Duration Today
• HoldNonACD Duration Today
• HoldOutbound Duration Today
• MakeBusy Duration Today
• NonACD Duration Today
• Outbound Duration Today
• Work Timer Duration Today
• Average Answered Duration Today
• Logged In Duration Today
• Last Login Time
• Last Logoff Time
• Logged In Not Present Duration Today
• External Answer Duration Today
• Workload Limit
• Current Active
• Current Work Timer
• Average Time
• Total ACD Duration
• Total NONACD Duration
• Unavailable Percent Today
• Outbound Conversations Today
• External Outbound Conversations Today
• External Inbound Conversations Today
• Available State



This feed contains details about all Agent fields within the Queue feed:

• ID
• Abandoned Conversations Average Duration Today
• Abandoned Conversations in the last 15 Minutes
• Abandoned Conversations in the last hour
• Abandoned Conversations Percentage in the last 15 minutes
• Abandoned Conversations Percentage in the last hour
• Abandoned Conversations Percentage today
• Abandoned Conversations today
• Agent Logged in total duration today
• Agents Available
• Agents Idle
• Agents OnACD Conversations
• Agents OnNONACD Conversations
• Agents on Outbound Conversations
• Agents Unavailable
• Agents Unavailable In the last 15 minutes
• Agents Unavailable In the last hour
• Answered Conversations average duration in the last 15 minutes
• Answered Conversations average duration in the last hour
• Answered Conversations average duration today
• Answered Conversations By Agent Group 1 today
• Answered Conversations By Agent Group 2 today
• Answered Conversations By Agent Group 3 today
• Answered Conversations By Agent Group 4 today
• Answered Conversations in the last 15 minutes
• Answered Conversations in the last hour
• Answered Conversations percentage by Agent Group 1 today
• Answered Conversations percentage by Agent Group 2 today
• Answered Conversations percentage by Agent Group 3 today
• Answered Conversations percentage by Agent Group 4 today
• Answered Conversations percentage in the last 15 minutes
• Answered Conversations percentage in the last hour
• Answered Conversations percentage today
• Answered Conversations today
• Conversation Average Duration in the last 15 minutes
• Conversation Average Duration in the last hour
• Conversation Average Duration today
• Conversation Total Duration today
• Estimated Wait Time for New Conversations
• Interflowed Conversations in the last 15 minutes
• Interflowed Conversations in the last hour
• Interflowed Conversations today
• Is In Do Not Disturb
• Longest Wait Conversation Duration
• Longest Wait Started Time
• Longest Wait Started Time Media Server Id
• Make Busy total duration today
• Offered Conversation in the last 15 minutes
• Offered Conversation in the last hour
• Offered Conversation today
• Name
• Reporting
• Is Group
• Media Type
• Requeued Conversations Today
• Service Level percentage in last 15 minutes
• Service Level percentage in last hour
• Service Level percentage today
• Service Goal percentage
• Time of last received update
• Transfers to unavailable queue
• Transfers to unavailable queue total today
• Waiting Conversations
• Work Timer Total Duration Today

Attached Files