Configuring ShoreTel ECC 7, 8, 9 and 10 for Optymyse

In order to set the ShoreTel ECC up to work with the SJS Solutions Optymyse product range, you must pre-configure a real-time event feed in the ShoreTel ECC Director. Our Shoretel connector looks at the ShoreTel real-time event feed on port 31456. The screen shots below come from ECC7, but with detail  differences these are the same for all subsequent versions. If you would like to provide screen shots from ECC 8, 9 or 10 to enhance this guide, please feel free to send them to

First, log in to ECC Director, and expand the System Parameters section, and then expand External Interfaces. Click on "Event Feeds".

In the image, the user account has already been created. To add a new one, click "New" (or "Add"), choose "Real Time Event Feed" as the feed type, supply a username and password (make a note of these, as you will need to supply them to the Optymyse ShoreTel Connector installer), and optionally a description. Click "Save" to save the new record, which will appear in the table.

Please note: ECC7 may require a re-start before the feed is active. ECC8+ do not require restarting.

You should not need to alter the default port number of the feed. If you do, click on the Event Feed Ports link, and (if necessary) adjust the port number from its default, 31456.

Now you can complete the UserName and Password fields in the SJS Optymyse ShoreTel Connector installer screen.


Now that the ECC is set up and connector is installed, you can now configure the Optymyse ShoreTel ECC Connector with the new parameters:

1. To configure the connector login to the Optymyse Director and click on Configuration then Connector on the left menu.
2. You should see a list of connectors that have been installed, click edit
3. The Edit Connector Configuration page will open, in the configuration box enter the relevant parameters such as username and password of the Shoretel ECC into the relevant place in the configuration. As well as the IP address of the Shoretel ECC.


"ShoreTelAddress": "",
"ShoreTelPort": 31456,
"ShoreTelUsername": "username",
"ShoreTelPassword": "password"

Note* Please be sure to remove the $ signs when entering the parameters into the

Note* The configuration is case sensitive so please ensure the username and password entered is exactly as it is in Shoretel

Note* Please also ensure "DefaultConfiguration" is set to False not True