What are the system requirements to run Optymyse on Cloud?

*PLEASE NOTE* - For Cloud based connectors please ignore sections 1 & 2 and go straight to section 3 as a server is not required

1. A server, small PC or virtual machine to house the data connector running at the following typical specifications for a 50 seat call center: (*This is not required for cloud based connectors)

Windows Server 2022, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2 - installed

2 GB of RAM

10 GB of hard disk space

Access to the equivalent of a 1 GHz CPU core


2. Ensure your LAN/Network performance will provide satisfactory application performance (*This is not relevant for cloud based connectors)


3. Ensure anyone using the Optymyse Director as well as any display and mobile devices can access the Optymyse Server via HTTPS (port 443). Optymyse provides the option to run using Websockets or SSE on port 443 for the real-time event stream (data updates).

Note* For non-cloud connectors only- ensure that the server, small PC or virtual machine housing the data connector is able to access the Optymyse Cloud instance URL via HTTPS (port 443)


4. In order for the Optymyse System to license correctly, your Optymyse Server will require unauthenticated internet access to the following address: my.sjssolutions.com. If access is only based on IP addresses rather than DNS name or a proxy is used, Access to ALL IPs listed here: https://www.cloudflare.com/ips need to be allowed.


5. Display Hardware - Any device running a modern browser which can connect to the Optymyse Server Software via a network, can be connected to any TV, Monitor or Projector.
For situations where sound will be required we have tested using HDMI.
If you require HDMI please ensure the device you purchase has this capability.

Note* For more specific information regarding display hardware options please view this article: Hardware Options


6. For cloud based connectors you will need to provide access details to your cloud connector also (i.e. account userID and password)


7. SJS recommend using Chrome or  Firefox
Note* Initial testing on Edge browser has not shown any issues. Internet Explorer is not supported on version 6