Triggers - An Overview

Triggers are a powerful way to control the content on your screens.

Triggers are rules which consist of conditions and actions which can be applied to any design elements.

What are the benefits of using triggers?

  • Can be applied to any design element such as data values, labels, grids, videos, scrollers, guages.
  • Can be used to show/hide elements, change foreground/background colours, play sounds or change values these are referred to as "Actions"
  • Are condition/action based. So you choose the conditions (data source/schedule) and then choose the actions
  • Actions can be scheduled to happen on certain days, dates or times
  • Conditions can be setup where "ALL" or "ANY" of them apply
  • There is no limit to the number of times a trigger can be used

Some examples of how Triggers can be used:

  • Schedule meetings, set reminders or acknowledge important events e.g. Agent birthdays - schedule a message/video/sound to appear on an agents birthday, making them feel valued and acknowledged.
  • Use triggers to keep agents informed in real time e.g. when products are in low stock or are back in stock a message can appear.
  • Treat agents fairly and avoid stress by setting Boolean style triggers, which are based on more than one condition. Boolean Example: If calls waiting > 5 and Agents Av <1 and Avg Wait>30 seconds then set an action for a "Calls Waiting" message to appear. This style of rule means a message appears only when absolutely necessary i.e when there are a lot of calls waiting and not enough agents available to take them.
  • In an Agent Grid set triggers to show Agent States in different colours, this is useful for Supervisors to see at a glance the status of an agent

For information on setting up Triggers please check our Howto article here: 

For more information on triggers please checkout our feature videos, which show triggers in action: